The New Year is here! What a year it's been. And I'm really glad to be starting a New Year. Looking back, 2010 was a busy year. I started a new job at the beginning of the year. Launched my blog (Treasures In Darkness) and started writing. I volunteer weekly as co-host for a radio prayer ministry to the Samoan community and the nations. The ministry celebrated it's first birthday last year. The month of April saw the start of an outreach ministry "Treasures of Hope" to local women in the community. Then in November/December, I attended the 50th Jubilee of Youth With A Mission in Kona, Hawaii. The year closed with the passing away of my father on Christmas day. That year is behind me now. It's time to look ahead! One of the values I had learned from my late father's life was that of ' perseverance. ' He believed in hard work ("if you don't work you don't eat... you become poor"). As a fisherman, he was well known for bringing big...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)