WELCOME TO MY BLOG! It’s the last day of November and soon it will be Christmas! source:nansflowers.blogspot.com The pansies flowers I planted last month are blooming beautifully! Such little flowers but they’ve been a source of joy to me. Someone told me once that plants grow when we talk to them. Although I didn’t really believe that, anyone who loves plants will know that plants respond well to good care. God made us to thrive and live fulfilling lives. We are responsible to meet our own needs; and it is not selfish to look after ourselves. We must do the things we want to do, make those changes we want to make so we can enjoy what God has given us to do. No one is going to do it for us! image source: TreasuresOfHope albums There is always a constant battle to keep good habits alive. Like missing breakfast or working through breaks due to the pressure of work. But it's up to us to take control of these thing. I've maintained ...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)