Welcome to my December 2012, blog-post ! image source: dreamstime.com W e are just moments away from 2013! Praise God for His faithfulness. I am exceedingly grateful to God for a wonderful year , f illed with the richness of His love through Christ Jesus our Lor d! There are three words that have been resonating with me through this holiday season, "lift up eyes". Let me share some thoughts with you. The Dictionary defines "lift" as, "to move or bring(something) upward from the ground or other support, to a higher position; to raise or direct upward... " (Dictionary.com). For some of us, the journey may not have been plain sailing. There were challenges enc ountere d that reminded us of how limited we were. Discouragement slows us down and we put things on hold. What does the enemy hold before us to c aptivate our attention and keep us from God? Instead of pressing in to God to find the solutions for our problems, we give i...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)