Welcome to my new blog-post - Looking back, looking ahead image source: TreasuresOfHope -SolosoloBeachSamoa I have a lot of respect for older people and I always enjoy and benefit from their wisdom. And it was not a fear of aging that kept me from not having senior friends through the years. The truth is, I always felt more comfortable in the company of young people and I have a lot of fun with them. But the times are changing... Yesterday I opened my mail to find I was the recipient of a Super Gold card. I had mixed feelings and my first reaction was being speechless and felt some excitement within me. But the other half of me was not sure if I was ready to accept that in a few weeks time, I will qualify as a senior citizen. Someone said that age is no respecter of person and I have personally heard from other people and through my readings that this is a very scary place to be! But God will help us and He didn't bring us this far to leave us stranded. God is already in th...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)