Welcome to my July post! I just want to encourage someone today to "NOT GIVE UP" I recently had one of those rare moments with my youngest son and this post was inspired from a conversation with him. I found two awards my son received for outstanding performance at his workplace. As his mother, I was happy and blessed and I told him how I felt. It opened a door to one of those rare, mother-son conversations. I was amazed at how grown up and mature he has become. As a team leader, he has insight into the dynamics of teams and the importance of teamwork. It was particularly important to pay attention to the weak members of the team. This was essential in the overall achievement of goals and in meeting deadlines. As parents, we all want the best for our children. And we pray that they live lives that are pleasing and honoring to God. However, when they don't measure up to expectations, parents become discouraged. Faith grow weak and prayer is n...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)