Welcome to my new blog-post! A new month begins and we’re into the fifth week of spring already. Praise God! surrounded by the cherry blossoms of spring It’s lovely to see evidence of spring all around us. I had a lovely surprise the other day to see a few flowers in my garden. It was totally unexpected because I had not paid any attention to my garden for a long time. But my lack of efforts in the garden did not stop the flowers from growing. As long as the seeds were alive in the soil they will always respond to the season that God had intended for them to bloom in. Now isn’t that a good thought! Nothing can stop the progress of something that is in its season . You maybe feeling smothered or stuck in that place where you are in; whether it’s your marriage, work, ministry, relationship or any other areas of your life. God desires for us to flourish in our season and we need to be obedient and give up the reins to God. Listen to what the prophet Isaiah 43:19 s
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)