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Showing posts from April, 2014

Big things from small beginnings

Welcome to my April 2014 blog-post! Big things from small beginnings! Prayer helps us connect with God, others and God's plan for our lives. An interesting thing happened to me last week that concerns prayer. I met a mother and her twin babies on the street and when I asked she let me pray for her babies. Two of my colleagues were with me on the day and one of them had a fall and was experiencing some pain and discomfort. We held hands and prayed for her. This week I met a father and his baby (Noah) on the same spot where I met the twin babies and their mother. We got talking and when I asked to pray for Baby Noah his father let me pray for him.  Three things stood out from these experiences with prayer. First, the mother of the twins' response to prayer for her babies seemed like she expected it. Secondly, the colleague we prayed for came back about an hour later and said that her pain was gone. And thirdly, the father of Baby N...