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Big things from small beginnings

Welcome to my April 2014 blog-post!

Big things from small beginnings!
Prayer helps us connect with God, others and God's plan for our lives. An interesting thing happened to me last week that concerns prayer. I met a mother and her twin babies on the street and when I asked she let me pray for her babies. Two of my colleagues were with me on the day and one of them had a fall and was experiencing some pain and discomfort. We held hands and prayed for her. This week I met a father and his baby (Noah) on the same spot where I met the twin babies and their mother. We got talking and when I asked to pray for Baby Noah his father let me pray for him. 

Three things stood out from these experiences with prayer. First, the mother of the twins' response to prayer for her babies seemed like she expected it. Secondly, the colleague we prayed for came back about an hour later and said that her pain was gone. And thirdly, the father of Baby Noah responded by closing his eyes even before I started to pray. Praise God, He is amazing!

How many of us would like to see some spiritual victories in our lives? And yet, victories come in many shapes and sizes. Our victories could be related to those divine appointments God bring across our paths. Praying for others are realities and are testimonies of what God is doing through us. We may never get to hear the answers to our prayers for others but we do experience the answers to our own prayers.

Today I caught up with a prayer friend I had been praying with at the beginning of this year and we shared testimonies of our spiritual victories since we last prayed. Like saving a baby from being aborted, financial blessings, seeing God begin to answer prayers for healing and restoration for family members and more... 

Someone said that "big things often come from small beginnings." And the Bible says we are not to despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). Like the five loaves and two fish that fed 5,000 people with 12 baskets full of leftovers (John 6:1-14). Whatever we are doing for God, we must remember He is the one who will increase our efforts to bring Him glory. "The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Let us pray:
Father we ask for Your Holy Spirit to lead and direct us. Help us to keep our spiritual eyes open to the opportunities around us that will grow our faith and bring glory to Your Name. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thank you for visiting, God bless you and please leave a comment.


  1. Posted on Facebook by Linda Hilton Palmer:

    "I was so encouraged by this blog dear Lome ( Salome Mitchell ) . . .thank you so much for sharing it. .. I love praying for people too, as you know. Just this morning, my good friend Cheryl Scott ( CherylandPaul Scott ) called me on the phone and we prayed together for her daughters who have been going through depression as young mothers do, from time to time. We prayed that the "joy of the Lord, would be their strength."

  2. Posted by Tony Holmes on Facebook -6/4/14:
    I find it true that sometimes we miss the small things because we are so focussed on the big ones Salome... I know I've missed many an opportunity and you're blog is a reminder to me of how these missed moments could have had an impact on others as well as myself. Faafetai lava for the encouragement and the pointer back to the small things right in front of us instead of looking for giants on the horizon. Koro Tone

  3. Email comment from Julia Amosa -5/4/14:

    Thank you for sharing Salome,
    Wonderful testimonies of Gods faithful to your faith in action.
    I encourage you to keep writing these stories, faith comes by hearing and sharing.
    Good to hear faith builder and faith lifter stories.

    Continue the faith

  4. Email comment from Rosetta Reti Simanu
    3:04 PM 06/04/14 -to me

    Thank you Lome for your faithful walk and your passion to serve God. Thank you for always inspiring us with wise insights and a matured outlook. You are a blessing to me and my spiritual journey. God is great and your blog is a constant reminder that every little interaction from God matters because it’s not about us but about him. We are not here to serve man but to honour God. You demonstrate that through your work, your sharing, and you set a good example for us. You do it through divine interactions with people. I pray that God will continue to bless the many pulpits you preach from – in the bus, on the street, at the bus station, work etc. Keep shining your light so those who need light will see it, and have hope in God.


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