Happy New Year! and Welcome to my new blog-post - "Make a new start" 2016! A New Year begins… image source: treasuresofhope Cape Reinga Northland New Zealand Exciting thought for some, though it may not be so for others. Some may say the New Year is not a big deal, it’s just another year. That ‘same-old same-old’ thinking is not an attractive thought. I say that because life has a way of changing us whether we like it or not. And, from my own experiences, some changes are good. And I am excited, well, quietly excited about 2016. I know I want some changes to happen... I want to be among those who will send encouraging messages to one another to do something about the changes they want to see happen. Our families, workplaces, communities nation as a whole would benefit with some changes. I get inspired by those kinds of people. Here’s a thought: My grandchildren, great grandchildren may read what I a...
Welcome to my blog! Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)