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Praying out loud

WELCOME to my new blog-post "Praying Out Loud'

(picture belongs to Lead Generation)
Been reading, meditating on the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) for sometime now. In our everyday lives problems can grow, they can multiply and before we know it our problems loom like a huge mountain before us!

So we play safe, with a little denial here and a little avoidance there, we go into isolation, a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest  (Proverbs 6:10). We wait for God to do something but we wake up and nothing has changed at all.

For forty days Goliath stood like a mountain before the Israelites. The story says that for forty days he came out, morning and evening and took his stand breathing out mockery, defiance against the Israelites and they all fled with fear. Their fear silenced them until David, the little shepherd boy arrived on the scene. 

David convinced King Saul by sharing his testimony about how God helped him to  kill a lion and a bear who tried to steal sheep from his flock (he rescued the sheep from the mouth of the lion... a lesson for any discouraged person/leader not to give up too easy). With King Saul's blessing David went on to face Goliath. Undaunted by Goliath's belittling remarks that David was no match for his stature as a warrior, David declared,
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied... and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel... that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (1Samuel 17:45-47). 

And so it is recorded that David's sling and a stone and the word of God activated brought the death of Goliath. David cut his head off, removed and took his armor with him. And the rest of the Philistines army ran for their lives. Victory!

We need more of David's spirit in us, in our prayer lives... 

A word of prayer,
Heavenly Father, help us to have the courage and faith to activate your word in our lives. May your word be alive, active and sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrew 4:12), as we speak it against the enemy. Help us to go forth and rise up in victory, in Jesus Name!

God bless you and thank you for visiting!


  1. Gary and Linda Palmer

    1:46 AM (23 hours ago)

    to me
    Loved this, Lome. . .thanks for sharing it! How I thank God that we can stand against the "Goliaths" in our lives through prayer. I love praying in my prayer language too, when I run out of words in own language. The Holy Spirit knows how to pray, perfectly through us, to defeat every "Goliath" in our lives! Praise God!

    Love you sis,

  2. Thank you Linda for the comments.
    I'm thankful always for your encouragement.

    Much blessings


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