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It’s A New Season!

It’s A New Season - and  Moving Right Along... ”I worship you I worship You The reason I live is to worship You!” I thank God for my journey and for bringing me to a new milestone, a new era of my life, WOW!    Glory be to God!   I celebrated my 70th birthday a week ago with my family and it was a lovely beautiful time.     I thank God that I got to celebrate this milestone with the people I love the most; that Corvus 19 lock down happened while we’re all together as a family.    I’m ever so grateful to you Lord! And now, moving on to face this age thing “head on”.     The world talks a lot about 70 being the new 60, 50 being the new 40 and so on.    Whatever that mean, I think for me it is time to call a “spade a spade”. What does turning 70 mean for me?    Is it time to give up on living life like I used to?    Is it time to lose interest in the things that I have ...
Recent posts

Times of refreshing

Time of refreshing A  new year always brings a sense of new beginnings.    It is a special time, time for change.   Today is the last day of my weekend retreat at Ngakau Waiora Mercy Spirituality Centre.    I’m here because I’ve been wanting to take a break away from everything.    This place felt like it was just what I needed.   My New Year’s Day devotional reading was from (Ephesians 2:6) and it says, “God has already raised us into new heights in the spirit but, to understand the joy and power of what God has for us, we must be willing to let go of old trappings.” What do I need to change?  I’m sure the answer/s to that question will come but right now all I wanted to do  was to rest, read my bible, talk to God and to have more rest.  Psalm 104:30 says, “You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the earth.” (V.30).    God is always restoring and renewing ...

Peace, peace to you and yours

 Welcome to my blog  January 2018 Happy New Year! Peace, peace, to you and yours. pic taken at Auckland Botanical Gardens August 2017 Psalm 107 says this concerning the children of Israel: " They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their wits' end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm,  and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord ..."  (Psalm 107:27-31 NIV) T he people were reeling and staggering under their load. Where and how are we going to find God in the midst of all the noise? But the children of Israel cried out to the Lord in the midst of their distress and God saved them. The storms of life will always compete with our need to hear God’s voice when we need Him. If your life has more storms than stillness, perhaps the Lord is speak...

Stoking the fire, one prayer at a time

Welcome to my new spring blog post Stoking the fire, one prayer at a time… image How do you keep your spiritual passion burning? I believe that ‘prayer’ is fuel for the fire. God gifts every saved person for service (Steven J. Cole “Saved to serve”). Here’s the apostle Paul speaking to Timothy,   “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” 2 Timothy 1:6 Over the years, I discovered that prayer is a tool that I can use to introduce God during conversations I have with strangers I meet.  Through praying for others, I have a closer relationship with God. It's been an amazing journey of learning how to humble myself and be kind to strangers and poor people I encounter on my way to and from work. God uses both our strengths and weaknesses to train us to be better witnesses for him.  Here's h...

The Sweetness of God

Welcome to my new blog-post "The Sweetness of God" "Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."  Proverbs 16:24 image source: God, you are all sweetness and I love you!   I love to worship God, to talk to him but there are many times I struggle to find the right words to express how I truly feel about him.  It's a constant struggle until I go to God's Word.  It is the best source that provides for my lack in expressing my worship to God.  The following Psalm of David is one of my favourite scriptures that aptly expresses how awesome God's love is: Psalm 36:5-9  (TLB): 5. Your steadfast love, O, Lord, is as great as all the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. 6. Your justice is as solid as God’s mountains. Your decisions are as full of wisdom as the oceans are with water. You are concerned for men and animals alike. 7. How precious is your constant love, O ...

"Make a new start"

Happy New Year! and Welcome to my new blog-post -   "Make a new start"        2016! A New Year begins…  image source: treasuresofhope Cape Reinga Northland New Zealand Exciting thought for some, though it may not be so for others. Some may say the New Year is not a big deal, it’s just another year. That ‘same-old same-old’ thinking is not an attractive thought. I say that because life has a way of changing us whether we like it or not. And, from my own experiences, some changes are good. And I am excited, well, quietly excited about 2016.   I know I want some changes to happen... I want to be among those who will send encouraging messages to one another to do something about the changes they want to see happen. Our families, workplaces, communities nation as a whole would benefit with some changes. I get inspired by those kinds of people. Here’s a thought: My grandchildren, great grandchildren may read what I a...